My Book : Dancing with the Wind
The first book dedicated exclusively and exhaustively to dynamic flying on slopes and in wave, with the very first gliding related characteristics of the Hydraulic Jump, how to identify and use them. Last findings information about the Intelligent use of Oxygen. The result of 56 years of observations, analysis of unexplained situations, in an attempt to satisfy the curiosity of the author, supported by a strong scientific basis and a unique international experience
Alvaro de Orleans- Borbón, FAI Vice-President: “This book reveals to you the invisible treasures of the atmosphere, explains its promises and its dangers and teaches you how to enjoy them… Jean-Marie provides us with a “beautiful map and a strong lamp” to safely explore one of the last hidden jewels of our fantastic planet – for this gift not only the gliding community but every curious, nature loving person will be forever indebted to him.“
Gliding International: “This book is a treasure, well printed and extremely well illustrated… We consider it to be the best “teaching” book yet written…You must buy this book, sell whatever it takes, but buy it“. John Roake.
Vol à Voile: “Twelve chapters, ranging from aerology and weather, to the preparation of the flight, the machine and the pilot, the equipment, we do not see what could be missing … Dancing with the Wind is an extraordinary sum of knowledge and thinking.” Jean Molveau.
Volo a Vela: “The subject is deepened up to the most technical details, the famous “secrets” that every champion is supposed to keep for himself. Jean-Marie put them all in perfectly written form …Dancing with the Wind will remain in the history of the bibliography of our sport, as and perhaps more than Reichmann’s.” Aldo Cernezzi.
Sailplane & Gliding: For me this is a “must-have” book.. Knowledge and experience, not only from the author, but also from other world class pilots, including our own John Williams, all assembled into a single volume. How did we manage without it? Phil King.
This book is ideal for anyone wishing to venture into the mountains for the first time and equally helpful for the experienced.” Kevin Atkinson.
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Product details:
- Paperback: 304 pages
- Editor: Topfly Sarl
- Language : English
- ISBN 978-88-903432-7
- Editor’s price : 50 € + postage
- Amazon: 60 € + postage