NB: every flight mentioned in this article is downloadable on our site as well as on Netcoupe with report of flight. http://www.netcoupe.net/Main.aspx Whereas the main weather novelty of the past year was the abnormally south position of the anticyclone of the...
Or the folk recovery of a glider by the gauchos on horseback. (In French, oultanding is said “going to the cows”). I don’t like to speak of outlandings, but the accident of the Argentinean glider close to Bariloche is a beautiful example of...
(chapter written in collaboration with Dr Schaffner) . This physician Swiss anaesthetist demonstrates a particular interest for the rational use of the oxygen in medical and aeronautic use. As confirmed alpine glider pilot (2.700 hours) and co-owner of an ASH-26 E...
The 2009-2010 expedition is already launched. Considering the global meteorological changes that essentially result in an anticipation of the “baric” seasons of about one month, we are going to tempt to be operational since mid-October in order to be able...
English translation in progress, please check the french Version Flight Logs and records Only one record flight with four records for the whole season and all teams present there, achieved with a Ventus 15 meters. The first French out and return of 1.000 km 15 meters...
Condors With the thermal and the heat of January, the young condors learn to fly and we learn to know them better. Unpublished and extraordinary movies and pictures. Read more 4 records in a single flight with le Ventus 15 m. The first French out and return 1.000 km...
The cherry on the cake of the January 2008 flights was thermalling with hordes of condors: these are the young that practise flight school in groups of 5 to 10 with one or two adults who teach them the soaring manoeuvres and thermal centering. We were lucky...
I had to wait until January 8th to finally bring back home some FAI paperwork. The Ventus-15m easily offered me four French records, the first out and return of 1.000km in this class and three other records in the same flight: The speed on this task: 128,7 km/h, t The...
This year, I had the chance to use a 15m Ventus 2C, ballasted with glycol up to 48 kg/m2, exactly as my two-seater Nimbus 4DM. This allowed me to verify a hypothesis that I had strongly suspected for a long time, now demonstrated before an official and interested...
The second expedition organized by Jean-Marie Clément, its extraordinary conditions, good and bad times, lessons for the future… We invite you to read Vol à Voile Magazine, issue 114 of January-February : VVI282 The narratives of the main flights are included...
(Clic on a line below to download the files) 13-12-2003 In company of Fabrice Papazian, France record on 3 free points, 2582 km, the eve of my return in Europe. Seen the best and the worse. Gone for an flight of 2500, abandoned at the km 900 for absence of wind,...
Record’s at the World’s End 7 min of suspense for the first Out and Return 2000km of the history of gliding. Contact us to get the video of this amazing story. Night preparation 3 min about the preparation of a world record of 1500 km. Lanin...